And the home stretch...
February 9th...
• Denver-Salt Lake City
• Salt Lake City-Las Vegas
• Las Vegas-Salt Lake City
• Salt Lake City-Denver
What was supposed to be leisurely day turned upside down when I woke up to a text and email from Delta advising that my 1:00P flight was now scheduled to depart at 1:30P and that I may miss my connection. From experience, airlines almost always lie about and underestimate delays. So with an already tight 45 minute SLC connection now down to an advertised 15 minutes, that was way too risky. My options were 11:45A (Y only) or 8:53A. While I hesitated, the 11:45A disappeared so I selected the 8:53A. A quick shower and I was on the road again to DIA. With construction completed on I-225, it was an easy 35 minute drive this morning.
Denver-Salt Lake City
DL 4848
February 9, 2015
Another typically great DL crew this morning with a open bar PDB, #12 of 12 DL flights. Multiple passes of the breakfast snack basket.

So that's how they turn on Wifi.

On time arrival in SLC and I stopped into the Sky Club for 30 minutes. Fortunately, the DL gate agent in Denver switched me to an earlier SLC-LAS flight so I didn't have a 5 hour layover in this depressing club.
Salt Lake City-Las Vegas
DL 1683
February 9, 2015
Apparently I've flown too many DL flights in the last week as I can't remember a thing about his one.
A 5 minute walk from the DL gates is the new Centurion Lounge. A great place to spend a few hours in between flights.

Time to check out the bar and food area.

Very nice.

My excellent lunch.

Time for a little work.

And my next meal before boarding my "refreshments" only DL flights home.

Las Vegas-Salt Lake City
DL 2017
February 9, 2015
Another great crew, #14 of 14 PDBs and an on time arrival at SLC.
And finally...
Salt Lake City-Denver
DL 939
8:10P-9:38P (sked)
8:10P-9:25P (actual)
February 9, 2015
Open bar PDB #15 makes it a perfect 100%. And another excellent DL crew despite the antique dark A320. No cabin divider and the old table trays attached to the seat in front.

On time arrival back in Denver and I was home by 10:30.
And three days later, it was official. I now have the right to be completely stupid and pay 162,500 miles for a one way TTL Air France First Class ticket. LOL.