Singapore SQ 62
Moscow DME to Houston IAH
11:15A-2:00P (sked)
11:20A-1:40P (actual)
November 9, 2013
Seats 2CD
At around T-60, we headed out to Gate 13, actually Gate 12A for the F and J pax. Due to the late arrival of the inbound flight from SIN, our crew was sitting at the gate when we arrived, but boarded 10 minutes later.

Our 77W.

And the scariest vehicle at DME, possibly at any airport.

Even though boarding commenced at 11:00A, it was completed in 20 minutes and we departed virtually on time.

Ah yes.

And presentation of today's menu.

After takeoff, our crew began service immediately.

And the amazing SQ satay with onions, cucumbers and spicy peanut sauce... one of the most delicious canapes/starters in the sky.

Unfortunately, our dining experience went south pretty quickly.
Today's menu.

Wine list was identical to four days earlier.

Let's try the Dom.

I've loved Georges Blanc and we both went all Georges today, but it was positively horrid. In light of other experiences and comments from dat4life and Short hair Francis, I'm going to assume it was a DME catering thing and not Georges gone senile. If true, no chef in his right mind would want to attach his/her name to food ex-DME.
The poached lobster with peppers and aubergine was terrible. Lobster was tasteless. Peppers not much better. Didn't even try the aubergine.

The Beef minestrone with basil pesto was bland.

By this time, Mrs. SFO had had her fill of Georges Blanc and asked our steward to change her order. He recommended the chicken noodle dish, which looked really good.

Unfortunately, I waited one more course. The halibut was gross, quite possibly the worst inflight meal I've ever had on an airline not named United or Delta. One bite and I dumped it like a rented mule. Sorry but it was so disgusting that I forgot to even take a pic. Opted for the chicken noodle dish, which was delicious.

The moist bitter chocolate tart and mango ice cream was good.

After finishing another French movie, Des gens qui s’embrassent (It Happened in Saint-Tropez), I asked the FAs to make my bed.

I slept great for nearly 5 hours. Then worked on downloading and editing pics while listening to more of my eclectic music tastes.

At around T-90 minutes, I had the second meal, which was much better.
The warm seared spice prawn with cauliflower custard and tomato soup was delicious.

The Stir fry beef in oyster sauce, seasonal veggies and fried rice was excellent, even better with Tiger beer or two.

The tiramisu was just OK but very heavy and I only had a few bites.

Almost at IAH. Wow, 12 hours went by really quickly.

We touched down some 20 minutes early and were at our gate a few minutes later. Service was excellent as always but the food offerings today were pretty weak. Nevertheless, I would gladly take this flight again and still rank SQ with the best in the world. But I would definitely be very selective about my ex-DME meals and never ever order seafood ex-DME.