May 26, 2010
Seats 2JK
After a long trek, we arrive at T-20 to a pretty disorganize gate situation, featuring a long unmarked queue blocking the corridor and a shorter unmarked queue. Proving at least for a few moments that mama didn't raise no fool, we went to the short queue.

As it turned out, the gate check in was only for entry to the gate seating area itself, which slowly filled to capacity. Apparently, our 11h25 departure time is only a suggested time.

Hilarious and chaotic boarding, made even worse by a boarding call for an AC flight at adjacent gate 32. Loud AC PA announcement from Gate 32 spilled over to our Gate 32 where most people thought that the call for passengers with small children, Executive First, Super Elite, Elite and *G was for our flight. At least it cleared out our seating area.
Once the GA was ready to begin boarding, she couldn't get the PA to work, so she resorted to shouting out "families with small children, those needing extra time and Business Class passengers". Pretty much the entire gate area rushed the door, prompting the guy sitting beside me to joke that it resembled lthe crowd ready for the bulls in Pamplona.

Boarding through 2L let us turn left and leave the unwashed masses. Spacious, pleasant looking though dated J cabin. But so much better that the alternative BA coach-seating J class rip off.
Reasonable comfortable although somewhat worn angled lie flat.

Although the prominent placement of the barf bags was amusing...

As was the shoe storage space, assigned to a specific seat.

Other than an FA took hanging jackets, there was absolutely little FA-pax interaction. Perhaps it was the full 34/34 cabin but no PDB was offered. A newspaper cart with a full complement of newspapers was rolled down the aisle and offered.
After take-off, an impressive 4 FAs sprung into action at the front of the cabin. Although never have I seen so many FAs expending so much energy and accomplishing so little. Much of that energy was expended setting up the front of cabin bar, with FA's bringing bottles, cans, glasses, garnishments, etc..., seemingly one piece at a time from the galley. As there was no interaction between FAs and pax, it was unclear whether this was a self-serve bar or merely a FA work area.
25 minutes after take off, with no beverage service but a now fully stocked front-of-cabin bar, 4J decided to get a couple of beers. OK, now I get it. I went up to pour ourselves a couple of Coke Lights. But no one else followed, presumably content to either go dry or wait for the FAs to start beverage service.
One of the funniest cabin flower arrangement I have seen, foil wrapped wilting flowers in a foil wrapped "vase". Apparently someone forgot to add water, or they've been there for a few days.

30 minutes after take-off and bar set up, our inflight service begins with hot towel, followed by a paper placemat (upside down), set up tray and menu, all with not a word spoken.
After all of the above, beverage service was finally offered, except of course for 4J and I who had already taken matters into our own hands.

The chicken starter was reasonable tasty, but the marinated green beans horrendous.

Next up, our cart returned with hot entree choices. The artichoke ravioli, although dry and probably loaded seven hours earlier in IST, was quite tasty, especially when washed down with Turkish beer EFES. The profiterole was excellent.

Tea, coffee, liqueur service followed with periodic passes through the cabin to top up drinks.

The IFE was quite dated and slow, with the movie selection featuring few current titles. Moving map worked. All in all, a reasonably pleasant experience and far superior to our BA Euro Club coach seating on our late 2008 LHR-ATH flight. IST arrival was pleasant as our TA had booked the VIP arrival service. We were met at the gate by a lovely VIP rep and a porter. We were whisked by golf cart to Visa and Passport controls, jumping the queue in both locations. Quite a bargain at something like $60.