Singapore Airlines SQ 25 First Class
SQ check-in was easy and pleasant...

... BUT, the abysmal boarding experience was not the best first front line impression... "third world" like gate A6, an abundance of summer gate lice and a ridiculous priority boarding call for "families with small children, elderly and anyone needing special assistance as well as our First Class and Business Class passengers, Silver Kris and PPS members". Well that only covers half the freakin' plane! Hey let's have a scrum and then just use one door, the mid cabin door, to board. 

As we finally made our way on board, our wonderful SQ experience began. As soon as he saw our F BPs, an FA at the door greeted us by name and took our bags leading us to the F cabin, and to our seats. 

Sure the seats are old, the decor dated, boring and monochromatic brown, and there seems to be a lingering "smoke" smell from the days when smoking was allowed (kind of like a hotel room that was at one time a smoking room that never can shed the odor), but that was quickly forgotten as the pampering and libations began... personal welcomes, jacket hanging, luggage stowing, magazines, newspapers, Dom, PJs, amenity kit, more Dom, socks, eyeshades, Bose headsets and more Dom. 

Now I know why the new F seats are 35" inches. When the crew learned that we were father-son on a RTW, it was pretty much 7 hours of personal attention despite a nearly full (11/12) cabin.

After a relatively short taxi and take-off wait (only #5 in queue) we were off. Hot towels and drink orders... Singapore Sling for me, wine (the Cos) for Dad.

For the second round, I switched to champagne... choice of Dom or Krug, I opted for Krug, Krug and more Krug. 

Familiarized myself and played with the IFE... not the latest, greatest or most user-friendly, but with all the distractions of my first SQ flight, traveling with someone and the fact that I had just been spoiled by Red, I hardly used it at all. Perhaps on the longer flights, it might be more of an issue.
Then our two hour marathon dinner service began. Dinner menu selections taken. I had pre-ordered the Lobster Thermidor thru the SFO ticket office, so the choices were pretty easy.
Who knew that setting the table in flight could be so elegant? The sturdy wooden table slides out from the cabinet at the front of the suite. Each item carefully and precisely placed on the table.

Warm bread & roll offering... no, that ramekin of butter is not a soup bowl, just playing with my camera. 

Started with the caviar. Unlike LH, no cart and the option to size your own portion but the sizing and condiments were just fine... although I might have opted for something other than melba toast. More Krug? why thank you.

Next up, the tasty Seafood gumbo Creole soup. The bowl really was full when served but I forgot to take the picture before starting.

Then the Caesar, not quite as fabulous as the one in the Clubhouse, but very good.

OMG... the Lobster Thermidor was to die for. Add in more Krug and it was heaven. 

And finally, the excellent New York Cheesecake with bitter chocolate ice cream and cherry salad. OMG2...

Now at some point during dinner, perhaps around the 5th or 6th glass of Krug, the "Chief Stewardess" stopped by to become our new best friend. Lots of photo ops, phone number, email address and offers to be our tour guide in Singapore. "I'll be in San Francisco next month". Uh-oh! Like, I'm going to tell my wife about this... my new BFF and own Singapore Girl. 
And since she told me that she had "personally picked up the Cheesecake today at the Carnegie Deli", I felt obligated to finish it. I know, its a tough life but someone has to do it. Feeling completely stuffed, I called "no mas" after the cheesecake and declined the cheese and port, or fruit. There's always tomorrow, a 12 hour 77W and the New First Class to SIN.

A short nap and juice and fruit for breakfast and we were in Frankfurt... some 35 minutes early. Unfortunately, we were banished to the penalty box... captain blamed it on the weather (mostly sunny
) and LH occupying our gate.
Personal good-byes and thank you for flying SQ from all 4 FAs who worked the F cabin, and hugs and kisses from the Girls for Dad... no pics of that though. One of the FAs carried Dad's carry on down the stairs for him and we boarded the bus for the short ride to the terminal. At least it wasn't CDG where the bus drivers must surely be paid by the km.
After all the hype and anticipation, I had wondered whether it could possibly be that good. And it was indeed. Even with the dated hard product, the soft product is simply amazing... probably the best single in flight experience and in flight crew I've ever encountered. There is just a style, a grace and a feeling that the SQ "Girls and Boys" truly love what they do.