South Africa - Singita Boulders Sabi Sands
South Africa - Singita Boulders Sabi Sands
Singita Boulders Lodge
Sabi Sand Reserve
Adjacent to Kruger National Park
South Africa
After our short Range Rover ride from the airport, we arrived at this wonderful 12 suite luxury safari lodge in the heart of its own private 45,000 acre game reserve. Although pricey at US$2,500 per night, it is essentially all-inclusive... twice a day safari drives, all meals, wines (even fine South African wines), airport transfers. The only extras are spa treatments or Champagne, if you must. The main lodge pavilion.

The Sand River at its low water level of the year, at the end of winter and beginning of spring.

After our reception and welcome tour of the facilities, we were shown to our suites, #4 and #5... contemporary suites decorated in serene style with private game-viewing decks, indoor and outdoor showers, two bathrooms, open fireplace and a private pool. Suite #5...

Living room aka my office.

The Bedroom.

Large and luxurious bathroom with a view!

After a wonderful lunch and short nap, at 4PM we headed out for our first drive with wonderful guide and tracker, Shelley and Emmanuel.

Our first three hours in the bush gave us at times up close and personal views of some amazing wildlife.

Lurking nearby...

These guys are huge...

And our personal favorite of all the animals here, graceful and beautiful.

My contribution to the afternoon when I spotted this leopard in a tree.

After a great three hour afternoon first game drive, we returned a little after 7PM, well after dark... and headed for the bar and then a wonderful outdoor dinner.

A 4PM afternoon game drive it one thing, but a morning game drive at 6AM??? OMG, after way too much wine the night before, our wake-up call came at 5AM. Yikes. Everyone assembled in the pavilion for coffee, juice and home made muffins and breads, before heading out for the 6AM drive. Despite the ungodly hour, we did both daily drives until the last "getaway" morning when we decided to sleep in. I took more than 1,500 pics on the drives and edited them down to 200 or so. Here are some of the best from the first three days.

Our three days at Singita Boulders Lodge were fantastic. Not just the game drives and the wild animals, but the staff was absolutely amazing, especially our guide Shelley, tracker Emmanuel and wonderful banakeli Enuel. Some of the great meals...

My yummy daily breakfast pizza.

But the best meal of the three days was a special order lunch... mussels and linguine vongole with homemade linguine.

And this is what we came home to on our last night...