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The First Class Travel Blog

Welcome to Baku

Welcome to Beautiful Baku!

Since I arrived at night, it was hard to get a real sense of the city.   But getting up early Saturday morning and doing a recommended walking tour was a great experience.   What a beautiful city with a mix of old and new architecture and a lovely location on the southwestern shore of the Caspian Sea.

The Azerbaijan Carpet Museum.

Some of the seaside park areas.

Looking back up the hill to the iconic Flame Towers.

Great uphill exercise.

Martyrs Lane is a moving war memorial as well as cemetery dedicated to those killed by the Soviet army on Black January 1990 in Azerbaijan's struggle for independence from the Soviet Union.


Sehidler Mescidi Mosque next to the Flame Towers

Back down the hill from my walk and to my Airbnb for the weekend.  Since most hotels were booked a year in advance, the group had previously rented a gorgeous modern 3 bedroom apartment.   But since it was now just me traveling solo, I decided to downgrade to smaller accomodations.  And far less expensive, like $90 a night.  LOL.   A tad rustic, but a great location in the Old City and a block from the Four Seasons.


Yikes on the colors here.

After a much needed shower, I took a taxi to the opposite end of the circuit and then walked to my gate.