Sevilla - Hotel Alfonso XIII
Sevilla - Hotel Alfonso XIII
Hotel Alfonso XIII
Starwood Hotel Property (Luxury Collection)
Sevilla, Spain
What a gorgeous old world hotel. Perfect location in a beautiful park like setting in Sevilla.

Our Virtuoso TA had made arrangements with a Spanish (Virtuoso) tour operator and we were booked in a Grand Deluxe Room. Front desk clerk claimed there were no rooms available for SPG Gold upgrade, but she did confirm the free Gold WiFi. I went up to our room, dropped off our coats and carry-ons and headed downstairs to lunch. Nice enough room, but not a suite.

Attractive but otherwise useless foyer...

The Virtuoso amenity was lunch for two at the hotel restaurant. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch with outstanding service.

After lunch, Mrs. SFO and I headed back to our room to relax and take a short nap before the evening. While Mrs. SFO napped, I discovered that the heat was not functioning and one of the sinks leaked. That, plus the fact that I checked online and was able to see suite availability for our entire stay, prompted me to head down to the front desk and ask for a room change and an upgrade. The power of the internet...

Fifteen minutes later, I had the keys to a beautiful one bedroom corner Reales Alcaceras Suite (320) on the top floor.