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The First Class Travel Blog

Avalon and Catalina

Our pilot Garrett had called ahead and a Catalina taxi was waitiing for us when we landed at the helipad.  Less than 5 minutes later, we were in the heart of Avalon.  And then another 15 minutes to rent our golf cart.

We headed up the winding roads towards Mt. Ada for some touristy pics.

And then back to the other end of Avalon harbor to the Casino, a classic old theater which, despite its name, never was a casino.

Lunch was an adventure as all restaurants were restricted to take-out only since Catalina is part of LA County which is basically shut down.

After lunch, we up the hills on the north side of Avalon...

... and over the hills and canyons.

Yeah. that's a hard no today. 

Back in town, we returned the golf cart and ordered a taxi to take us back to the helipad. 

Ready to board our return flight.

Relatively clear SoCal day with the LA skyline visible in the distance.

And tony Newport Beach.

Approaching John Wayne.


What a great day on Catalina and the only way to get there.