Off to Roma
Mrs. SFO777 and I are off to Rome for New Years and then a couple of days in/on Malta. The original plan was to go with our SoCal travel buddies but an illness and doctor's orders to not travel for a month grounded them. As I told Mrs. SFO777, looks like a romantic couples weekend in Rome. She laughed. OK, not sure what that meant???
Same weak selection of serve yourself food as last month.
Yeah, that really looks appetizing. Yikes.
And yuck.
There is a made to order menu with more interesting options, but neither of us were hungry at that point. Not to mention the stains on the menu being a major turn off. Jeez.
Then there was this strange bench with dirty towel. We both guessed footrest.
Some pics of the nicer Business Class Lounge from last month...

How true this is! LOL.
The Lounge includes a really cool outdoor terrace.
Even the serve yourself food offerings were better than in the First Class Lounge.