Admirals Club at DFW Terminal D
We arrived at C30 and less than 10 minutes later via Sky Link was at Terminal D.

With nearly two hours prior to scheduled departure, I again decided to try the BA contract lounge.

But again was summarily denied access, as it was reserved today for BA 192 customers, or BA Gold and Silver cardholders. Sufficiently chastened, I opted for the adequate D Admirals Club instead of the Centurion Lounge.

With a nice long line to get it.

As usual, great airplane watching from high above the tarmac.

I headed for the Business Center to do a little work. Unfortunately, the old tried and true and reliable Printspots printer has been replaced with a new digital model. No so good. How about getting something that works, or even something that speaks English??

At T-50, I headed out to the D27 and my first up close look at American's 777-300ER, the 77W.